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Font HiraKakuPro W3 [FULL Version]: A Review of the Features and Quality of the Font

Writer's picture: laiblacelphydilaiblacelphydi

The first period is the font block period.During this period,if the font face is not loaded,any element attempting to use it must instead render with an invisible fallback font face.If the font face successfully loads during the block period,the font face is then used normally.

The second period, occurring immediately after the block period,is the font swap period.During this period,if the font face is not loaded,any element attempting to use it must instead render with a fallback font face.If the font face successfully loads during the swap period,the font face is then used normally.

font hirakakupro w3 [FULL Version]

For OpenType and TrueType fonts,this string is used to match only the Postscript nameor the full font namein the name table of locally available fonts.Which type of name is used varies by platformand font,so authors should include both of these namesto assure proper matching across platforms.Platform substitutions for a given font name must not be used.

For OpenType fonts with multiple localizations of the full font name,the US English version must be used(language ID = 0x409 for Windows and language ID = 0 for Macintosh)or the first localizationwhen a US English full font name is not available(the OpenType specification recommends that all fontsminimally include US English names).User agents that also match other full font names,e.g. matching the Dutch name when the current system locale is set to Dutch,are considered non-conformant.

Since localized fullnames never match,a document with the header style rules belowwould always render using the default serif font,regardless whether a particular system locale parameter is set to Finnish or not:

Some fonts may only support a subsetor noneof the featuresdescribed for this property.For backwards compatibility with CSS 2.1,if small-caps or all-small-caps is specifiedbut small-caps glyphs are not available for a given font,user agents should simulate a small-caps font,for example by taking a normal fontand replacing the glyphs for lowercase letterswith scaled versions of the glyphsfor uppercase characters(replacing the glyphs for both upper and lowercase lettersin the case of all-small-caps).

Any Installed Font which is not a User-Installed font is a Preinstalled Font. It is likely that all users of a particular version of a particular Operating System will have the same set of Preinstalled Fonts installed. As such, Web content authors targeting these Operating Systems may wish to use these fonts' family names inside font-family properties.

Web authors can specify the tech functioninside an @font-face src descriptorto indicate that support isrequired for correct rendering of a font.This mechanism can be used for gracefully falling backto an ancillary fontwhen requested support is not present.

Other name table data provides names usedto uniquely identify a specific face within a family.The full font name (name ID 4) andthe Postscript name (name ID 6)describe a single face uniquely.For example,the bold face of the Gill Sans familyhas a fullname of "Gill Sans Bold" anda Postscript name of "GillSans-Bold".There can be multiple localized versions of the fullname for a given face,but the Postscript name is always a unique namemade from a limited set of ASCII characters.

Most Japanese websites use default font sets provided on Windows or Mac. The latest ones are Meiryo and Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro. For older versions such like Windows XP, it is good to add former default fonts MS Gothic(or MS Mincho)/Osaka. 2ff7e9595c


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